by Jason Levy
Posted on 13-12-2019 10:13 PM
Microsuction is a procedure which uses gentle suction to remove excessive or troublesome earwax. It is performed with the aid of an operating microscope and a finely calibrated suction device, without the introduction of any materials or liquids. You may be asked to use olive oil spray or drops for several days beforehand. This will make the treatment easier for you. Occasionally we may need to use other instruments to remove hard wax. The technique means that we can always see what we are doing and can avoid touching the skin of the sides of the ear canal which makes the process a lot more comfortable.
A limitation of using operating microscopes (or loupes) to remove ear wax is the view provided is quite narrow. As a result the position of the microscope, speculum inside the ear and the person’s head can require constant re-adjustment in order to refocus and visualise the ear wax. Despite this, microscopic and microsuction ear wax removal is regarded as being safe and well tolerated. However no treatment of ear wax is completely ‘risk-free’.
We’ve all heard of ear wax and ear wax removal- most of us have seen our own ear wax at some point. We know it as the yellowy, brown substance – not too appealing to look at and perhaps even a source of embarrassment if it becomes visible! However, this yellowy substance has more to it than meets the eye.
Microsuction is a safe wax-removal technique using specialised a high magnification binocular operating microscope allowing depth-perception and magnification to look directly into the ear canal. The clinician then uses a very fine sterile suction device at safe low pressure to remove the wax buildup.
Microsuction is the safest technique for clearing ear wax from the ear canal. It is much safer than syringing. The microscope offers extremely magnified vision so the nurses can see extremely well, therefore they can remove wax/debris without touching the ear canal walls – a comfortable, safe procedure. The magnified view allow the ear nurse therapist to assess the ear canal and ear drum to make a diagnosis.
The syringing of ears to remove ear wax and the buildup of wax in the ears is the traditional method of ear wax removal. Originally a metal syringe would have been used, but there was always the chance of damaging the ear drum and causing hearing damage and instead an electronic ear irrigator was use to carry out the ear irrigation to clear ear wax buildup.
We use a set of high-powered magnification loupes and a special speculum to see clearly into the ear canal. The canula is then entered into the ear canal and is used to gently suck out the ear wax. The entire process usually takes no longer than twenty minutes.
We have a team of consultant ent surgeons, who provide a comprehensive service for patients who suffer from impacted ear wax or other types of ear-related conditions. You will be offered an appointment at the earliest convenient date for you. During your initial consultation you will be seen by a consultant, who is specifically trained and has experience of performing microsuction clearance. You will be able to explain your medical history and any concerns you might have with the surgeon who would be performing the microsuction clearance.
Earwax (cerumen) coats and protects the inside of your ears; it does not usually need to be removed. Removal is only necessary when you develop large amounts of earwax, which make your ears feel blocked. Too much earwax can develop due to a very narrow or abnormally shaped ear canal, frequent use of earplugs, cleaning ears with cotton buds or for other unknown reasons. Often home treatment can remove earwax. If home treatment does not work, you should make an appointment to see a qualified professional.
Ear wax removal is carried out as a day case procedure, so there is no need to stay in hospital overnight.
Some clinics can perform microsuction to remove earwax. During this procedure a clinician will use a microscope to look into the ear canal and a very tiny suction device to suck out the wax. This technique can be a very safe and effective way to removing persistent blockages.
Using our services ensures that you have your earwax removed safely, quickly and by a person you can trust. The process is usually over in a few minutes and the majority of people find it easy and comfortable. The technique is the safest way to remove earwax as the professional can see everything they are doing during the removal.
When it comes to the safe and effective removal of earwax, there are three methods that an audiologist can use: irrigation, mechanical removal and microscopic suction (microsuction). Many of you may be familiar with irrigation (flushing of the ear with warm water). Mechanical removal requires excellent visualization of the ear canal while using an appropriately selected tool to remove the wax. These tools include various types of loops, scoops and forceps. Microscopic suction involves suctioning “vacuuming” the ear canal while visualized under a microscope.
Ear wax microsuction is a procedure which uses gentle suction to remove excessive or troublesome ear wax. It is performed with the aid of a surgical microscope and a calibrated suction device, without the introduction of any materials or liquids. Ear wax microsuction is one of the safest, most effective, quickest and most comfortable methods of removing ear wax. Usually micro suction does not need pre-treatment with drops but two days of earol (clinically treated olive oil) is the best preparation. One of our audiologists will examine your ear using a microscope (either fixed or with loupes glasses) and, using a fine low pressure suction device, safely remove the blockage. Also, using a video otoscope we will show you the condition of the ear before and after the treatment.
Ear microsuction is the most effective and safest form of earwax removal as it avoids touching the sensitive area around the ear canal and evades contact with the ear drum. A low pressure suction probe is used to gently and safely remove earwax. This technique of ear wax removal does not use high pressure water unlike ‘syringing’, therefore allowing microsuction to be the safest, fastest and cleanest method of choice.
Traditionally, ear wax is removed by ‘syringing’, which means water is forced into your ear canal to clear the wax. Here’s why modern microsuction is better: it isn’t messy, like water. It’s much safer than syringing. Water irrigation can lead to bleeding and soreness from bruising or a resulting infection. When it goes badly wrong, syringing can perforate your ear drum or lead to tinnitus or hearing loss. Whereas microsuction is safe even if you’ve had a perforated ear drum in the past.
As the name suggests, microsuction employs a tiny suction tube to gently remove excess wax from your ear canal. We also use a microscope to target locations where wax has built up. Because we have a better view of your ear, microsuction is faster than irrigation, typically lasting just a few minutes. It is generally considered free from discomfort and like irrigation we usually ask that you use sodium bicarbonate eardrops beforehand.
Earwax is naturally occurring and serves an important purpose. On occasion earwax can build in the ear canal and can cause hearing loss or discomfort. For many people, microsuction offers a quick and long-lasting solution to hearing loss. Years of excess wax build up can be gently removed - providing an immediate improvement to their quality of life. It helps to protect and clean the inside of the ear by creating a natural protective layer. Other wax removal treatments such as syringing often completely clear the canal of all wax, leaving no protective layer inside the ear. Microsuction is a much more controlled treatment which allows your audiologist to carefully remove excess wax whilst preserving a necessary level of protection.
There are few limitations or cons of micro suction earwax removal, microscopes or loupes if used provide a narrow view. However, it just means that we re-adjust our positioning so we can get the view we need. Micro suction ear wax removal is regarded as being exceptionally safe and well tolerated. However no treatment of ear wax is completely risk-free.